50% of Draw Proceeds Support

Field of Dreams Foundation

Charity Website

Since its inception in 1995, the foundation has raised nearly $2 million for children’s charities in Manitoba through a number of sources, most notably the annual Winnipeg Goldeyes Field of Dreams Foundation Golf Tournament, which will be held on Thursday, June 18, 2015 at Bel Acres Golf & Country Club next summer. Other revenue generators include fan donations, the Fillmore Riley LLP Ks For Kids promotion, the TCBY Radar Pitching Booth, memorabilia auctions, and the sale of ALLMOVE Secure Document & Data Management 50/50 tickets at Shaw Park during home games.

Funding Criteria

According to the Winnipeg Goldeyes Field of Dreams Foundation by-laws, funding is based on the following criteria:

  1. The charity must have a registered charitable number (15 digit number).
  2. The charity must be within Manitoba.
  3. The recipients of the funds must be Manitoba residents.
  4. The recipients of the funds requested must be under the age of 18.

If you are an individual requesting funding, you must do so through a registered charitable organization that meets the Foundation’s criteria. The Foundation cannot give funding to individuals.

Historically, the Winnipeg Goldeyes Field of Dreams Foundation has not funded:

  • day cares and their programs
  • schools and their programs
  • food programs
  • pay-for-use enterprises
  • general and capital expenditures
  • playground structures or improvements

All decisions on funding are made by the Board of Directors of the Winnipeg Goldeyes Field of Dreams Foundation, at its sole discretion.

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